Exness is a global online trading platform. There should be time zone differences between countries. So traders can trade anywhere in the world in any time zone. However, this can sometimes confuse some traders when it comes to market timing. Furthermore, when you create an Exness account , the time zone cannot be changed, so this step is important to note. The article below will guide you to set up the standard time zone on Exness to ensure the best trading profits.
I. Introduction
Time zone concept
In the World, time moves from East to West. At a certain time, some places are morning, others are evening. A time zone is an area of the Earth where people use the same standard time, commonly referred to as local time . In theory, the clocks in this area always show the same time.
The first time zone in history was called the GMT time zone . On January 1, 1972, the international conference on time replaced GMT with Universal Coordinated Time (UTC), which is kept by many atomic clocks around the world. UTC+01:00 is used, instead of GMT, to represent “the time the Earth rotates”. Leap seconds are added or subtracted from UTC to keep it no more than 0.9 seconds from UT1. (Source: https://vi.wikipedia.org/ )
But the MetaTrader platform follows Greenwich Mean Time which is GMT+0 . Please note that this is set by default according to the Exness server and cannot be changed.

II. Exness and MT5
A. MT5 support feature on Exness
Includes 6 superior support features only available in MT5 including:
- Time limit increased from 9 to 21
- Currently, MT5 has 80 technical indicators and supporting tools with many chart analysis functions while MT4 only reaches 50.
- Exness Meta Trades 5 also offers 6 types of pending orders, in addition to the same 4 orders as MT4, the system has added 2 new orders, buy stop limit and sell stop limit.
- MT5 also has a built-in economic calendar and market depth displayed through price charts.
- The programming language still uses MQL5 but will make it easier for programmers to create custom technical indicators, scripts or EAS to help maximize the trading process.
- Another notable advantage is that MT5 Exness allows investors to trade traditional stocks without having to trade through CFDs.

B. Benefits of using MT5 over Exness
The Metatrader 5 trading platform, also known as MT, allows investors to conduct transactions through online trading platforms such as Forex Trading and CFDs of other assets. In addition, investors participating here will also be able to easily receive and execute orders to buy or sell specific products or assets such as gold, stocks and currencies in the market.
For those who want to trade more professionally and advancedly, Exness MT5 will be the most suitable choice.

III. Time zone in Exness MT5
A. Explain the concept of time zones
Exness is one of the most reputable Forex exchanges in the world, licensed in many countries, so Exness must follow the rules and operating hours of the Forex market in that country. Exness opens when the forex market opens and closes when the market closes each trading session.
MetaTrader time settings are fixed. MetaTrader follows Greenwich Mean Time which is GMT+0 , (offsetting GMT on MT4/5 from GMT+ 2 and GMT+ 3 in summer) and it is the same for all brokers using the platform.
The trading platform follows the New York Exchange Closing Time, meaning when NYEM closes, MetaTrader will display 00:00.
Exness’s server time zone is GMT+0. When converting to Vietnamese time, you need to add 7 hours because Vietnam is GMT+7.
However, for some products, traders need to note that Exness will have a break in the middle of the day or during the night. Therefore, users need to understand the time zone so that they do not get confused and miss opportunities when trading.

B. How to set time zone in Exness MT5
Log in to your Exness MT5 account. The MetaTrader platform follows Greenwich Mean Time which is the GMT+0 time zone. Please note that this is the default time zone set for Exness servers and cannot be changed.
To calculate GMT time in the country you want to trade in, follow these steps:
Step 1: Determine the prime meridian in Greenwich, England and your country’s meridian (meridian is a vertical line extending from the North to the South pole). Meridian lines are used for travel and time calculation.
To calculate GMT time, you just need to count the number of meridian lines between your meridian and the prime meridian.
Step 2: Look at the world map to see if you are east or west of the prime meridian. If you are in the West, your GTM will be minus GMT -0. If you are in the East, your GMT will add GMT +0.
Placing a minus or plus sign according to the above rule will yield the GMT time in your country. For example, if Vietnam is located east of the prime meridian and 7 longitudes away from the prime meridian, Vietnam’s GMT will be GMT+7. Then press save to confirm and you’re done. Simple, convenient.
Simple as that. If you still find it complicated, use some online GMT conversion tools to save more time.

IV. Benefits of setting the correct time zone on Exness MT5
A. Advantages of using the correct time zone
Using the correct time zone plays a very important role in traders’ trading process. Determining the correct time zone will help bring accurate, highly profitable trading orders.
Using the correct time zone will avoid risks when trading:
The commodity derivatives trading market is a global market, so market trading times span the time zones of continents around the world. Besides, depending on the type of product, the transaction time will be different. Consists of 3 trading sessions: Asian session, European session and American session. The commodity trading market in the American session is the most volatile (about 8:30 am Vietnam time in the summer or 9:30 am in the winter).
Because reports on the commodity derivatives trading market are released according to US time, the US session has large fluctuations. Therefore, investors must spend time in the evening session to monitor the market and update news to avoid risks in case of too much price fluctuation.
B. How to avoid errors when setting time zones
When setting the default time zone, the software uses GMT+0. Then, check the time zone according to the location of the country you are trading in to choose. For example, in Vietnam, we just need to check the box to select GMT +7 and that’s it. No changes needed.
V. Instructions for setting time zone on Exness MT5
A. Step 1: Log in to your Exness MT5 account
The MetaTrader platform follows Greenwich Mean Time which is the GMT+0 time zone. Please note that this is the default time zone set for Exness servers and cannot be changed.
B. Step 2: Find and adjust the time zone settings
Depending on which country’s geographical area you usually trade in, you choose that country’s time zone. In Vietnam you can choose GMT +7 and you’re done.
C. Step 3: Check and confirm changes
You need to check this step carefully. Make the correct choice because once you press it, you cannot change the time zone anymore. Choosing GMT +7 in Vietnam is ok. Start exploring the ultimate tools and features of MT5 Exxness.

BECAUSE. Epilogue
A. Summarize the main points discussed
The MetaTrader platform follows Greenwich Mean Time which is GMT+0 . Please note that this is set by default according to the Exness server and cannot be changed.
When converting to Vietnamese time, you need to add 7 hours because Vietnam is GMT+7. In Vietnam, you choose GMT +7. Then press save to confirm and you’re done.
B. The importance of setting the time zone correctly in Exness MT5
Using the correct time zone will avoid trading risks for investors. This installation step seems simple, but it really affects future transactions because once setup is complete, you cannot change the time zone at all. So we advise you to pay attention and be careful from the beginning to avoid difficulties later when trading.
However, if you have mistakenly set the time zone in your account, MT5 Exness has a metatrader clock indicator that can help with this. The Time Zone indicator is a tool that can help traders compensate for different time zones and allow them to understand their trades based on market timing. It draws a vertical line to mark the hour that the date on the major time zones changes. These main time zones are the International Date Line (IDL), Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) or Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), Eastern Standard Time (EST), and Mountain Standard Time (MST).
To know more about this superior feature. We invite Traders to learn about our other articles updated in the section on all AZ trading knowledge on Exness!